
Here you will find an overview of the rates for all treatments at Cryon. Transparency and clarity are our top priorities. Do you have any questions or is something not entirely clear? Please feel free to contact us Please contact us, we will be happy to help you!


I don't know which treatment to schedule. Can you help me?

We are happy to help you plan the right treatment for your skin. Are you unsure about which treatment you have had with us before or do you want to book a new treatment? Feel free to contact us and we will make sure that you know exactly which treatment is right for you.

Can I combine a treatment with another beauty treatment?

Yes, you can combine multiple treatments, as long as they are not too similar. For example, combining a peeling with Vitesse for hair removal and dyeing is a good idea. We advise against two intensive skin treatments in a row at the same time. Are you in doubt? Contact us to discuss.

Do I have to make a down payment?

We only ask for a deposit of 50% of the treatment price from new clients. Have you been here before? Then you do not need to make a deposit. If the system does ask for this, this is usually because you are using a different email address than the one we have in our system. Please contact us for this.

Are there any additional costs associated with the treatments?

No, the prices in this price list are all-in. If you want an extra part, there will be extra costs.

When will prices be increased?

Every year on January 1st we increase the prices by at least the inflation correction, sometimes more. You will be notified of this by email in December prior to this year.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any questions about our products , treatments or information on the website? Do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and help you further.