Remove skin blemishes

At Cryon, we have been specialized in the professional removal of skin imperfections such as skin tags, pigment spots and connective tissue lumps since 1990. With techniques such as electrocoagulation and surgical cutting, we remove these in a safe and beautiful way. The treatment is fast and efficient, and usually multiple spots are removed in one session. It can be applied to both the face and the body. It will be beautiful!

Who is this treatment suitable for?

This treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to have skin imperfections removed, on the face or body. The skin must be in good enough condition to undergo this treatment. Factors such as good blood circulation, age and lifestyle play an important role in this. For people with a tinted skin, the treatment is not recommended due to the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. If necessary, we advise using skin-improving products beforehand to optimize the skin condition.

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The result

After the treatment, a wound will be visible the size of the previous skin blemish. Within one to two weeks, the scab will fall off and there will be pink new skin underneath. How quickly this pink spot heals depends on the skin condition. When the spot has healed, you will often not see anything on the face! Great, right? A small white spot may remain on the body, which is usually experienced as a great improvement. Sometimes multiple treatments are needed for the best result. Customers often say: "I wish I had done this sooner!"

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What can I do at home?

After the treatment, scabs will form that will remain for 1 to 2 weeks. It is important not to scratch the scabs and to give the skin a rest. Avoid sweating, swimming and make-up immediately after the treatment. Protect the new, pink skin from the sun with SPF 50 or covering clothing to prevent pigment spots. The skin needs a few weeks to months to fully recover and take on your own skin color. Use your normal skin care products to further support the skin.

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Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about removing skin blemishes:

What kind of skin blemishes can you remove?

We can remove: connective tissue lumps, pigment spots, some veins, spider veins, skin tags, moles, fibromas, age warts, xanthelasma, sebaceous gland hyperplasia.

Does removing skin blemishes hurt?

Yes, you may experience some temporary pain when removing skin blemishes. We do not numb the blemishes, but if you prefer, this is possible. In that case, we recommend that you get lidocaine ointment from your GP and apply it 60 minutes before the treatment, covered with foil.

How much time do I need to reserve? Is this scheduled from 5 minutes?

We understand that it is difficult to predict how many skin blemishes can be removed in what time, as this depends on the type and size of the blemishes. For example: in 5 minutes we can remove approximately 15 skin tags, but only 1 large connective tissue lump. We recommend that you ask us for advice on the time required. This can be done during your visit to Cryon or by sending us a photo. We will then advise you on the number of minutes that can best be booked. 5 minutes is the minimum number of minutes that you can book.

What is Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) in Dark Skin Types?

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a darker discoloration of the skin that can occur after damage. PIH is more common in tinted skin types, because the skin produces more melanin in response to the damage, which can lead to discoloration or spots. It is not the intention that a skin blemish leaves a dark spot after treatment. That is why we do not perform this treatment on tinted skin types.

Is this treatment reimbursed by the health insurer?

No, the removal of skin blemishes is not reimbursed by health insurers, because this is purely cosmetic.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any questions about our products , treatments or information on the website? Do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and help you further.